(Egypt and Assyria had already come and gone.) In short, the United States has no closer ally and no stronger partner than Great Britain., However, the first world war (1914-1918) moved Britain to embark on a special relationship with the United States, a previous colony. | This is what happened to an organization that appeared after World WarI. Britain and the United States urged other nations to join this organization. 2 Let us address Johns vision of the wild beast. Daniel was one of the young Jewish captives taken into exile with King Jehoiachin in 617B.C.E. What does the frightening ten-horned beast represent, and what do the ten horns picture? In it he had seen an immense image with a head of gold, breasts and arms of silver, belly and thighs of copper, legs of iron, and feet and toes of iron mixed with clay. This beast also means the Anglo-American World Power, but now it does something special.Read Revelation 13:11-15. (b)What does the clay in the feet of the image represent? According to Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, the situation will not soon change. A little over 1,900 years ago, when those words were written, five of the seven kings, or political empires, had fallen. They were Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. Why was Gods prophecy about Babylons destruction outstanding? What does the frightening beast with ten horns mean? d See RevelationIts Grand Climax at Hand! And as the toes of the feet were . Why have these threats of world breakdown emerged in precisely the era when man has achieved more scientific breakthroughs and knowledge than in all his previous history? These questions posed by journalist Geyer are thought provoking. So if, in fulfillment of the prophecy, the ten toes were to take on real significance, the political situation existing in 1914 would have to change. In it he had seen an immense image with a head of gold, breasts and arms of silver, belly and thighs of copper, legs of iron, and feet and toes of iron mixed with clay. There is gold, silver, copper, iron, and a clay and iron mix. The harlot will no longer be able to control these governments, and she will lose all her riches. Daniels prophecy says that the clay means the offspring of mankind, or the common people. 1,2. a certain immense image. STAGGERING helplessly from crisis to crisis, human governments are failing to bring stability to human society. 19. (b)What does the seventh head of the wild beast mean? There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.Psalm 72:16. 3 pp. . (Read Daniel 2:44.) 46-67 - Daniels Prophecy (dp), w59 4/15 pp. 12. (b)What can we conclude about the number of toes? However, from the time the Anglo-American World Power came into existence, that iron has been mixed with clay. AWAKE! (Matt. (a)How did the seventh world power show that it was strong like iron? 37-63 - World Government (go), w69 5/15 pp. BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES BECOME VERY POWERFUL. Jehovah Reveals What Must Shortly Take Place. The two-horned wild beast represents what, and what does it do? 15,16. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD POWER AND THE FEET OF IRON AND CLAY. By the time the Lords day began in 1914, Britain had built the largest empire in history and the United States had become the greatest industrial power on earth.b During World WarI, the United States forged a special partnership with Britain. The Bible makes clear that this war involves the kings of the entire inhabited earth.Revelation 16:13, 14,16. The Anglo-American World Power will be the world power when false religion is destroyed. . And when the Berlin wall finally fell, the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel emblazoned its front cover with the words Das Volk siegtthe people win! THE symbolic image of world rulership by human politicsits gold, its silver, its copper, its iron and its clayis doomed as a whole! Any power it has comes from its member nations, especially from its key backer, the Anglo-American World Power. This beast with ten horns means the world power of Rome. c Daniel foresaw the terrible destruction this king would cause during that war, writing: In a wonderful [awful] way he will cause ruin. (Dan. published by Jehovahs Witnesses. The Bible leaves us in no doubt. What, though, about the feet of the image? Britain came from the Roman Empire. All will have an abundance of food. (Read Revelation 17:16,17.) The common people make it difficult for this world power to be strong like iron. 8 At times, the seventh head of the beast has displayed ironlike characteristics. 4 Because the empires mentioned in the Bible were usually ruled by a king, the empires themselves are often referred to as kings, kingdoms, or both.Daniel 8:20-22. There will be no new heads on this beast before it is destroyed. So we can understand that the clay means that something in the Anglo-American World Power makes it weaker than the Roman Empire, which was described as legs made of solid iron. 4 In Daniels prophecy of the beast with ten horns, another horn, a small one, comes up and replaces three of the ten horns. Nebuchadnezzars dream was of an immense image, in human form. When? . The latter end of the iron legs are the feet and toes where a mixture of clay is introduced, but it will not mix with the iron. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD POWER AND THE FEET OF IRON AND CLAY. . In over 230 lands, Jehovahs Witnesses are proclaiming the Kingdom of God. The prophecies of Daniel and John have been fulfilled to the smallest detail. 13) As we saw in the preceding article, the first six heads of the beast represent Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. ( Dan. 11 Does the number of toes of the image have special meaning? After describing the aforementioned image, Daniel wrote: A stone was cut out [of a mountain] not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them. (Daniel 2:34) What did this awesome spectacle portend? Dan 2:34 As you looked on, a stone was hewn out, not by hands, and struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. Finally, the feet of mixed clay and iron "will be a divided kingdom" (Daniel 2:41). There is a good reason that feet are made of Feet and Clay. For example, many of the beasts had a specific number of horns. Jehovah foresaw this dramatic event and revealed it to John. (a)What will the wild beast do, and with what outcome? | When giving the sign of the end, Jesus Christ stated: This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14) How has this prophecy unfolded? This brings us to a very important question: When will that final destruction occur? 4 pp. Yes, you may say, pointing to the end of the Cold War, to the greater cooperation between East and West, and to the substantial progress being made in world disarmament. Jesus was trying to teach them something that they did not understand. you yourself are the head of gold. Also, opposing ideologies and close election results that do not end up in a clear majority have weakened the power base of even popular leaders, so that they have no clear mandate to implement their policies. The religions of Christendom are surely part of Babylon the Great. They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. It is not depicted as an eighth head on the original wild beast. is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. And what will happen thereafter? 33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. The unavoidable conclusion of any detached analysis of global trends is that social turmoil, political unrest, economic crisis, and international friction are likely to become more widespread during the remainder of this century.. Consider the facts. They are described as an amalgam of iron and clay. (a)How did the seventh world power manifest ironlike strength? What confidence can we have, and it is now time to do what? Later, in the 1960s and 1970s, however, many former colonies chose more authoritarian forms of government. Finally, the feet are partly iron and clay representing a future global alliance or empire where clay may represent our human flesh as God formed us from clay (see Job 33:6). You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them. pages240, 241, 253. What does the wild beast with two horns mean? The Bible answers that question by way of a sign that would identify the last days.Matthew 24:3. 17 pp. They will destroy her influence and devastate her riches. How did this head treat the seed of the woman? With the revolution in Russia in 1917, dictatorship rose up anew. 51:1-4). 11. 18. It does not appear as an eighth head on the wild beast. What did this empire prove to be? The statue has feet made of iron/clay, which tells us that the Roman beast would mingle with other people groups, to battle against the kingdom of Christ. Twenty or thirty years ago, most people thought religion would always be respected and powerful. In fact, many people believe that religion contributes to or causes conflict. 4 You, O king, happened to be beholding, and, look! 14. 6 Nebuchadnezzar listened intently as Daniel explained: You, Oking, happened to be beholding, and, look! 14John described the image of the beast as an eighth king. In what sense? All of those expressed hatred for the seed of the woman. During that war, Gods people said that according to the prophecy in Revelation, this organization would appear again. We know from history this is a prophecy of the last four major empires on earth. Appropriately, the number ten as used in the Bible signifies completeness as to earthly things. . 8. How do Daniel and John portray the end of human rulership? 6. The power of this image comes from the nations that are members of the United Nations, especially from the Anglo-American World Power. Why should all these distinct but related developments have come together in the second half of the 20thcentury? 2:32,33). What does the harlot in Johns vision mean? What is happening to religion today? Gods prophet Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar the significance of the image, telling him: You, Oking, . History now confirms the following: The head of gold represented the Babylonian Empire. It indicates that during the reign of the seventh world power of Bible history, a contemporaneous eighth power would be specifically set up for the purpose of uniting the nations. But the prophecy in Revelation that is about the same topic tells us more. Majority Standard Bible its legs were iron, and its feet were part iron and part clay. They have the power to influence political leaders and their policies. All these will refuse to relinquish power and will face off against God in a final great war at a figurative place called HarMagedon, or Armageddon. . Predicted World Changes up till Gods Kingdom, Crushing All Nations in Our Day by Gods Kingdom, Awaiting the New Heavens and a New Earth, Jehovah Reveals What Must Shortly Take Place, Human Governments Crushed by Gods Kingdom, How Gods Kingdom Becomes a World Government, Part 8A Political Mixture of Iron and Moist Clay, The Creating of New Heavens and a New Earth, Pay Attention to Gods Prophetic Word for Our Day, From Ancient Babylon to the Twentieth Century in Bible Prophecy. This description coincides with the time when the seventh head the Anglo-American World Power would come to prominence. For example, it proved its power by winning World WarI. NET Bible The wild beast mentioned at Revelation 13:1, its image, and the wild beast with two horns will be destroyed. 280-284 - The Watchtower1959, w60 5/1 pp. This blog is for preview purposes only and all music downloaded should be deleted within 24 hours. (a)How did the seventh world power manifest ironlike strength? (Read Daniel 7:7, 8, 23,24.) What was the completing part of Nebuchadnezzars dream image, and what interpretation did Daniel place on this final part? We can be confident that the destruction of false religion and the battle of Armageddon will soon come. 4,5. See auction date, current bid, equipment specs, and seller information for each lot. Daniel 2:41-43 "the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it. (Exodus 19:5) In the context of the Bible, this made them world powers, in fact, the first of a series of seven of which the Bible speaks. (Rev. (Read Daniel 2:44.) Daniel 2 (the second chapter of the Book of Daniel) tells how Daniel related and interpreted a dream of Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon.In his night dream, the king saw a gigantic statue made of four metals, from its head of gold to its feet of mingled iron and clay; as he watched, a stone "not cut by human hands" destroyed the statue and became a mountain filling the whole world. b Both the British Empire and the United States have existed since the 1700s. Esau and Ishmael: Feet of Iron and Clay As we painfully experienced this week with murder of four innocent civilians in prayer and a young Druze policeman who attempted to save them, Israel. ANGLO-AMERICA AND THE TWO-HORNED WILD BEAST. Peter tried to object but Jesus warned him to have his feet washed. 20. So the ten horns mean all the kingdoms that came from the Roman Empire. As the number of people involved in the political process increases, however, so also does the difficulty in achieving a political consensus. In Dan. 32 As for this image, its head was of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of brass. Daniel sheds much light on these questions. (Daniel 2:43) People have weakened the Anglo-American World Power when they have fought to have civil rights, to have more rights at their workplace, and even to become independent nations. Daniel 2:41 shows that the feet made of iron mixed with clay are one kingdom, not many. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD POWER AND THE FEET OF IRON AND CLAY, Before giving the interpretation, Daniel recalled the dream to Nebuchadnezzars mind: Its head was of good gold, its breasts and its arms were of silver, its belly and its thighs were of copper, its legs were of iron, its feet were partly of iron and partly of molded clay. (Dan. 1:19) Now is the time to take sides with Jehovah and to support his Kingdom.Rev. Perfect health will prevail. There would be one more empire, but the prophecy stated: [It] has not yet arrived. True to Bible prophecy, the seventh king did arrive on the world scene! The Kingdom will destroy the governments of this world. What was the dream that Daniel recalled to the kings mind? In the Bible the number ten is used to indicate earthly completeness. 2:31-33. The phrase originates from the Book of Daniel in the Bible. 7. The image displayed his kingdom, the Babylonian, followed by the successive kingdoms that have come and gone: the Medo . Daniel 2:41 describes the mixture of iron and clay as one kingdom, not many. Just as an iron structure mixed with clay is weaker than solid iron, so too the Anglo-American World Power is weaker than the power from which it emerged. What made the Anglo-American World Power weaker? 35 To learn more about the Bible, feel free to contact Jehovahs Witnesses locally, write to the appropriate address listed on page5, or visit our Web site www.watchtower.org. Do those promises appeal to you? 11:3, 7-11) The history of Jehovahs modern-day servants confirms that those events took place. #bible prophecy expo #prophecy prophecy #bible prophecy #revelation 6 #revelation 6:1-2 #revelation 6:3-4 #revelation 6:5-6 #revelation 6:7-8 #Daniel's vision #Nebuchadnezzar's dreams Time Will come that this following event Will happen in the near future: 1. (Read Daniel 2:41-43.) That is exactly what happened to an organization promoted by Britain and the United States, one that was intended to unite and represent the worlds kingdoms.d This organization appeared after World WarI and was known as the League of Nations. This war involves the kings mind prophecy, the number ten is used to earthly. The power to be plenty of grain on the original wild beast mean 13:1, its,... Should all these distinct but related developments have come and gone. explained to Nebuchadnezzar the significance of woman! 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