Lashbrook shared an apartment in Washington, D. C. with EDWIN SPOEHEL. How do you fall out of a window? said Eric. Saracco and Bibb did manage to meet with Ruwet in Frederick, Maryland, as reported by H.P. On the day of his admission, my mother was pressured into consenting to ECT, and the treatment began just thirty-six hours later. Author Robert Kaiser echoed that doctors conclusions in his book, James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King, also had a known fascination with hypnosis, and, more recently, British lawyer Fenton Bressler has assembled circumstantial evidence to support a theory that Mark David Chapman, slayer of John Lennon, was subject to CIA mind control. In June 1994 the victims family had his thirty-year-old corpse exhumed to check for signs that he may have been thrown out that window.) Instead we will fast forward to key the key moments that have, piece by piece, eviscerated the 1975 story and left a very different one in its place. Eric Nelson is the Robert M. Beren Professor of Government at Harvard University. And the then CIA director, William Colby, held a lunch for Mrs Olson and Eric in his office at the CIA, apologised and gave them the CIA file on the case. Tens of thousands of documents were released. Falls into the sea or swiftly flowing rivers may suffice if the subject cannot swim. The LSD, Feldman began, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Because the death occurred in New York we presented a, memorandum to the New York District Attorneys Office, One of the outcomes of the The New York District Attorneys investigation has been confirmation of an, A Cold War context in which unethical research was being absorbed and sponsored was bound to see extreme forms of discipline and sanction applied to those who raised ethical questions or who might be likely to do so. Here is a summary of the scenario as formed in my mind: Frank Olson, Ph.D, a biologist by profession, was a disturbed man in 1953. In California, Olson and his team drive up the Pacific coast in a yellow convertible to prepare an experiment to take place over San Francisco Bay. Olson suggested that they go to bed, saying that he felt more relaxed and contented than he had since [they] came to New York.Olson then left a call with the hotel operator to wake them in the morning. Premier, ARD, WDR August 12, 2002, 0.02 A failed exercise in brainwashing? During the six and a half weeks of our journey we were propelled by a powerful and simple idea, which boiled down to the notion just keep peddling. We knew that Route 40, the old National Pike just a few hundred yards from here at the end of the lane, went all the way to the West Coast. Whites particular area of expertise was the testing of drugs on unwitting human guinea pigs. On Thanksgiving Day, they had found him in a shell-shocked state in the hotel lobby. KLHL41 stabilizes skeletal muscle sarcomeres by nonproteolytic ubiquitination. After a month-long bout with pneumonia, Sidney Gottlieb died at his home on March 7, 1999. These questions remained for my scientific team to try to answer, and once the victims family asked for my aid, told me what they knew, and then warned me, Now of course, you know youre taking on the C.I.A, I began walking with my back to the wall, any wall would do for cover. Many of the survivors told US doctors about cruel experiments the camps doctors carried out using disease germs and various drugs. According to Gottlieb,this would involve the application of techniques and principles employed by magicians, mind readers etc, to communicate information, and the development of new techniques. They were not there, totally non-existent. In secret testimony before the Senate Church Committee on Assassinations, the former CIA chemist admitted to his key role in CIA assassination plots against foreign leaders. [53]As the project progressed, it was clear that frequent consultations between Mr. Mulholland and CD/TSS were indeed essential. Gottlieb also raises Christmas trees. Since this requires advertising to be effective, the resistance organization must be in a position to warn high officials publicly that their lives will be the price of reprisal action against innocent people. He was too late, however, to do the same for William Colby, the CIA chief who apologised for Olsons death. Sargant believed that Frank Olson could also have been given a cocktail of drugs that included more than LSD. Once outside, he could be an acute embarrassment. The LSD testing of these tissues through radio-immunoassays (RIA) was deemed inconclusive. The Korean War Memorial in Washington honors the Americans who died in that fight. I asked Feldman if hed ever met Sidney Gottlieb, the elusive scientist who was the brains behind MK-ULTRA. The whole subject of the relationship between a wife and a husband who is doing top secret, classified work is a subject one could discuss at some length. This description of the fateful session as a trap obviously contradicted the official CIA story that Olson had been one of seven human guinea pigs in a simple LSD experiment. Now, to back up and approach all this a bit more slowly: There is a passage in The Four Quartets where the poet T.S. Indeed, his story makes you wonder about that noble phrase ''The truth shall make you free.'' So, one night at a small cocktail party a TSS researcher managed to slip ads of LSD into a pony of Cointreau that a contract scientist was drinking. Moreover my prior interview with Lyman Kirkpatrick, a long-time manufacturer of window shades, left me with little doubt that a shade of the type fitted to the window of room 1018A would not snap back to its housing if a body had struck it full-tilt. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The incident had made this man unstable and had ruined his life,so it was alleged, possibly precipitating his early death. This area includes the production of various physiological conditions which could support present or future clandestine operations. During the ensuing uproar, the scientist was identified as Frank Olson. But when we opened the casket a lifetime later, I knew Daddy at once. So he comes out and looks at our bikes and he says, What are you guys doing?, We said, Harold. The President also ordered the C.I.A. Instead of shocked and emotional voices, the operator had told Pastore, there was a brief and seemingly expected exchange. It an inescapable reminder of the moment Erics life froze. The time consuming part of writing this section will be in developing the adaptations and modifications of the best existing (methods) to fit new requirements. Designed to mimic a disease endemic to the Congo, the virus was cultured specifically for its lethal effect. Not a single line related or referred to the Agency. Disappointed, Eric found it difficult acquiring another attorney to take the lead. The CIA man immediately began to tell lies. He should be determined, courageous, intelligent, resourceful, and physically active. Following a big opium smuggling bust in 1947, Jack Ruby was picked up and hauled in for interrogation, then later let off the hook by none other than White. The trip to New York was not to manage and contain his incipient psychosis. Posing as Joe Capone, junk dealer and pimp, Feldman infiltrated the seamy North Beach criminal demimonde. to assassinate particular individuals. In 1997, after the C.I.A. The startling similarity of this quote to my fathers story is very likely not entirely coincidental. The old training group PQ 31 is doing all right for itself, even if PQ has to stand for peculiarwhich is what I can say about my work now. It was the story of Luthers crisis of conscience over the corruption of the Catholic Church in the 16th Century, when its theologians claimed it was impossible for the Church to do any wrong, because they defined the moral code. For clarity I went to a presumed reliable source the states medical examiners office in Baltimore. I find an unholy desire to tell you about the worst fiasco we ever had, which is why this letter has to be UltraBAP [Burn After Perusal]. We did not observe the slightest sign of mold or decay. As chief of the governments most secret biological lab in the early 1950s Frank Olsons position concerning these allegations could not have been discredited. The solids, gases and liquids were not harmless substances. The caller said he had known his friend was dead because the window was on a high floor of the hotel.. The agency kept worrying, moreover, that the Swiss were also exporting the drug to the Sovier Union. Everybody had this stony-faced expression, Olson recalls. I later realized that the analogy goes further, because the pill Powers was supposed to have taken was concocted by the ubiquitous Sidney Gottlieb, and also because the U2 plane Powers was piloting was the brain child of Richard Bissell who (according to Evan Thomas inThe Very Best Men: Four Who Dared: The Early Years of the CIA) gave considerable thought to the problem of how to murder someone for security reasons while doing so in a way that would seem to be a natural death and would not arouse undue curiosity. As George White once told me, Ike, your best information outside comes from the whores and the junkies. They went directly to the publisher.. He was 9 years old. The White House could pride themselves on having acted responsibly when the truth came to light. Was it for the reckless CIA LSD drugging at Deep Creek Lake? The two agents, who claimed to be working for the West, were examined under a psychiatric-medical cover that is, they were given a trumped-up excuse for the interrogations. Murray expressed great interest in our drug-research project and offered his support., Leary had taken LSD for the first time at Harvard in 1959, where, traveling in Abramsons orbit, he had attended Fremont-Smiths Macy Foundation conferences on the drug. Dec. 20, 1999 In the multiplicity of collage working techniques ranging from tearing, to burning, cutting, crumpling, ripping, rubbing one finds analogues to societys socializing processes and events. By now the biochemist was acting more and more psychotic with what Abramson would later say were delusions of persecution. Olson thought the CIA was out to get him. Brainwashed: Where the Manchurian Candidate came from, A new documentary film, Code Name Artichoke (produced this year by German public television and widely shown internationally and in the US on WorldLink TV) on the death of my father, Dr. Frank Olson, revisits this question and presents new evidence. Probably the most unsettling, even unnerving moment in my conversation with Dr. Gottlieb occurred toward its close when he spontaneously sought to enlighten me on a matter of which I might not take due noticeso he thought. Within the TSS, MKULTRA was assigned to the Chemical Division (TSS/CD), a component with functions few others even within the Technical Services Staff knew about. A handful of American defectors are known to live in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, and some are believed to have appeared in North Korean propaganda films. Why people are visiting the . Pointing to the section on Erics timeline spanning the early 1950s, Cournoyer offered a laconic statement: Korea is the key. This was the historical context he had referred to in the earlier phone call. THE YEAR OF ARMAGEDDON (with Max MorganWitts) It read: After reading the newspaper accounts on the tragic death of your husband, I felt compelled to write to you. I cannot comment on that, except to say that his memory was obviously very selective, sometimes showing crystal clarity and sometimes mired in opacity. Fewer still are willing to describe their work. One of the virulent agents deployed was none other than airborne anthrax, the elder Olsons area of expertise. Read Hamlet, he says. Christmas 1949 in a tuxedo. George White deserved to have his story told.. White was a son of a bitch, Feldman said. Used to live: Scottsdale AZ, Harvard IL. The man who greeted him at the door was physically frail, confined to a wheelchair as the result of a stroke, but still sharp of mind. Wheres the control group? With the external front under control, the Agency then turned to its own internal investigation. Eric wants clarity, once and for all. Congratulations. agents, men now in their 70's and 80's, are about to come forward unless they are released from their confidentiality agreements with the agency. (New York: Harcourt, 2000; paperback, 2001). (Costing not less than everything), T.S. Two decades after the bizarre tragedy, Olsons eldest son, Eric, would begin to dispute the official account. We were able to look at the body as if the incident had happened only yesterday. Each of these years I have spent a great amount of time, and considerable money, to produce a magazine of service to the professional magician and to the serious student of magic. James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King, also had a known fascination with hypnosis, and, more recently, British lawyer Fenton Bressler has assembled circumstantial evidence to support a theory that Mark David Chapman, slayer of John Lennon, was subject to CIA mind control. Whether the manual is a complete coincidence, I dont know, Saracco says. The family signed a waiver releasing the CIA from liability, and in return the Olsons were eventually awarded $750,000 in compensation. A week later, Eric received the telephone call hed been waiting for his whole life. White apparently knew Abramson, because a Sept. 20, 1954, diary entry contained a reference to Gottlieb and Abramson. Saracco and Bibb decided to interview William Colby, Vincent Ruwet, Robert Lashbrook, and Sidney Gottlieb. Using the alias Morgan Hall, he constructed an elaborate alter-identity as a seaman and artist in the Jack London mode. Who knows what Harlot cooked up for the others? Among the tasks of the dirty tricks department in Building 1412 are brainwashing, drugs and torture, as well as murder by means of poisons and bacteria. In the fifties, he worked in drug enforcement. LSD was not yet ready for testing in interrogations, but the agency did report some success in causing amnesia after interrogations, through a combination of hypnosis and sodium pentathol. was partly influenced by the findings of a forensic pathologist from George Washington University who examined Olsons remains and concluded that Olson suffered a blow on the head with a blunt object prior to his fall. Former SS member Franz Gajdosch was hired just after the war by the Americans to tend the bar in the officers mess at Camp King. As Lee and Shlain explain: Nearly every drug that appeared on the black market during the 1960s marijuana, cocaine, heroin, PCP, amyl nitrite, mushrooms, DMT, barbiturates, laughing gas, speed and many others had previously been scrutinized, tested, and in some cases refined by CIA and army scientists. Increasingly, he can be found in the company of other CIA agents, including a certain John McNulty. However, we were still unable to conceptualize a means for the execution of the crime. They all say the same thing: that [Olson] was pushed out of the window and did not jump. Then in June 1975, a blue-ribbon commission chaired by Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller submitted a report on CIA domestic crimes to President Gerald Ford. It ranged from amphetamines and cocaine, to cannabis, mescaline, morphine, pentobarbital, and scopolamine. He called me in mid-July 2002 to obtain the return of his fathers remains. 's director, Allen Dulles, to keep in touch with her. In 1976, after negotiations in which they traded away their right to further civil or criminal proceedings against the government, the family received a total of $750,000, half a million less than originally recommended by the White House and even the C.I.A. Then in early 2002, to Erics dismay and frustration, the D.A. The timing of the memo was interesting. The verb is dropped. And the manual is a how-to guide for assassins. Fifty years after the fact, conventional history records Dr. Frank Olsons death as perhaps the most infamous repercussion of MK-ULTRA, the CIAs illegal quest to modify an individuals behavior by covert means using hypnosis, electroshock treatment and psychotropic drugs such as LSD. I remember quite clearly just being quite stupefied by this. And finally, the reason for [officers] contacting the Agency in the first place was to see if we could help them in any way to hush the thing up. Dick Cheney was a White House assistant. But a top-secret CIA memorandum obtained by the authors reveals that Lashbrook knew far more than he claimed. He had apparently been the victim of a boating accident. But he did not explain what he meant any further. Now in his 70s, Feldman still looks and talks like Edward G. Robinson playing gangster Johnny Rocco inKey Largo. Rather than saving democracy, they created tools for coercion, and many people were hurt. It took me a while to remember this because it seemed so unlikely. We were contacted by George White, Jones said in an interview. Along with Fremont-Smith, Abramson, and Leary, he occupied a spot on the agencys LSD pyramid. This coincidence was extremely convenient for Lashbrook, the Chemical Corps and the CIA. Using a high-speed oscillating saw, we open the skull and remove the calvarium (the top of the skull above the brow ridges) so we can lift out the brain to examine and weigh it and examine the intra-cranial walls of the skull. . The 43-year old biochemist was, as his wife Alice would later recount, a totally different person severely depressed, anxious, highly agitated. Baltimore Sun, More than 40 years after his death, the body of former CIA scientist Dr. Frank Olson has been exhumed. With Olsons sleuthing son Eric as his guide, Morris immerses himself in this thorny true-crime case, using dramatized sequencesstarring a phenomenal Peter Sarsgaard, Molly Parker, Tim Blake Nelson, and Bob Balabanfor his 1953-set sequences, and documentary interviews and material for the rest. The film was made with such respect that the subject matter seems gloomy when it should be uplifting.). After years of government silence on the subject of Frank Olsons death, the family had finally achieved recognition and, most importantly, a promise of full disclosure. It had held the family suspended in a kind of weightless limbo, captives to the pull of their own unrevealed and unresolved history. Having experienced what Ellen Herman called a collapse of faith in the rational appeal and workability of democratic ideology and behavior, the generation of scholars that emerged from World War II had sought to perfect the tools of social control by which the elite would save democracy. His diaries show that Gottlieb and Lashbrook met him at the Bedford Street apartment. He said they went so far as to take a life lives, definitely more than one. One wishes there might have been some humour in the script, to make the man look more human. Extreme torture, extreme use of drugs, extreme stress., Norman told Eric that his father was in deep, and horrified at the way his life had turned. That may be the explanation for the goats! Even so, catharsis was brief. Now, with these drugs, you could get information without having to abuse people.. Saracco and Bibb flew to meet him in California, but he would only talk in the presence of an attorney, which resulted in his stone walling all the questions asked. What do you mean, fell or jumped?, We dont know if he fell, said one of the men. I wonder what other light you might be able to shed on this, particularly on what the Schwab activity might refer to. He greeted the Olsons warily. But records show that even CIA bosses were stymied as they tried to get the facts on the SO Division. Yes, she said, two. The report added that while covert testing was being transferred to the bureau, its chief would disclaim any knowledge of it. It was still dark outside when two grim visitors arrived at the Olson house in Frederick, Maryland, two days after Thanksgiving. White, born in 1906, started out as an itinerant journalist, working for newspapers in San Francisco and Los Angeles before becoming a narcotics aent in the early 1930s. Uncovering this story has been a decades-long agony for us as well. Surprised and curious, I invited him to tell me more about it, and so he did, putting me on notice of the circumstances of Frank Olsons death. Baseball and [illeg] bats are very widely distributed. Eric Olson lives in his childhood home, the place he lived when he was 9 years old and learned of his fathers death. In 1996 Eric asked Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morganthau to open a new investigation. Anything!. Mulholland also taught Gottlieb how to slip bio-toxins into the toothbrushes and cigars of Americas enemies abroad. This is to inform you that as of June 1, 1953, the publication ofThe Sphinxhas been suspended. Congressional investigators said much of the information was confirmed by a former military aide to President Eisenhower, Col. Phillip Corso. The last ten years of his life, he lived in Stinson Beach, California, where, known as Colonel White, he went on the wagon for a few years and became chief of the volunteer fire department. Stunned by this I pressed Gibson for an explanation. That is exactly what would have transpired if he had been dropped rather than propelled through the window. Nobody was home, so I spent half an hour looking in the windows, taking pictures, trying to imagine what might have occurred there those many years ago. Thats too bad, came the reply. He was trying to mumble something, Pastore later told reporters, but I couldnt make it out. If Eric is right, slipping LSD into Olson's Cointreau was not an experiment that went wrong: it was designed to get him to talk while hallucinating. MK-ULTRA encompassed an undetermined number of bizarre and often grotesque experiments. He explained it thus: One of the difficulties of determining explicitly the effect of the drug itself is that the subject and the observer are both conscious of the fact that an experiment is being performed. By 1996 our suspicions had reached an intolerable threshold. James Starrs interviewed Dr. Gibson in 1994, and in 1999 I finally decided I should meet him too. Eric Olson 's Email English Teacher at Harvard-Westlake School Contact Details Phone 81******92 Email eo******* Department Other Location Los Angeles, California, United States Eric is no longer with Harvard-Westlake School Harvard-Westlake School Company Information Website Revenue $50 - 100M Head Count 250 - 1000 In the early hours of 28 November 1953, Armand Pastore, the night manager of the Statler Hotel, New York, was startled to hear a crash of breaking glass and then a sickening thump on the pavement outside his hotel. How many army scientists were jumping out of hotel windows in New York in 1953?. 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