(Acts 6:1)? Where Did the God of the Bible Come From? Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? We can look to the political setting today in the U.S. this being a election year, look at the fictionalized in fighting between gop members and the democrats. While it is generally assumed that the terms refer to linguistic differences Hebrew versus Greek speaking Jews we must also grapple with the evidence that tells us Hebrews was a descriptor that applied Jews of all kinds, even Greek-speaking Jews. Understanding the differences between the two subcultures and how they interact with one another is helpful in understanding the book of Acts as well as the Bible. As for your first question above, Im persuaded that the pre-existing conditions for the rise of the Jerusalem group were the Essenes/DSS sect. Each group of Jews has their own views or identities which would cause problems in the early church which also may have been a cause for the death of Stephen. 241-257. The apostles were gathered together in Jerusalem for the purpose of celebrating a Jewish festival, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, who enabled them to preach. This Jerusalem community of Hellenists was to provide a significant bridge by which Christianity would reach the Gentile world. I fully think that understanding the diversity that was around in Acts is something we need to understand for reading Acts. I dont always agree with them, but I respect their work. ", Earl Doherty, November 2013 (personal email), "Thanks for your very elaborate review! I might be missing something. And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews. rev2023.3.1.43269. How about this: They were Christian Hellenistic Jews who were convinced Jesus was the messiah and was about to return at any moment, so why return home? Seems like a lot of foreign Jews around Jerusalem for a long time after Pentecost. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application, The number of distinct words in a sentence. Elijah and Elisha All Torah Messages The Hellenists were probably primarily Diaspora Jews who had come to live in Jerusalem. 5 This proposal pleased the whole group. I tend to think that way for almost every religion. Philippians 2 I see Paul/Saul as inclusive, as inviting the Gentile community into the Jewish fold, as increasing the Jewish ranks by softening the Mosaic Law. Crusades Communal Responsibility The Hellenists were probably pri-marily Diaspora Jews who had come to live in Jerusalem. And those members of the body which we think to If Lukes intention was to create the image of a peaceful, unified church, then he would not report complaints against the Apostles, especially if the complaint is favoritism (or worse), mismanagement of funds collected for the poor. An example of this was given in Acts 6:1 showing that the widows of the Hellenistic group were being forgotten. . And if the ear should say, Because I am not an eye, I am not of Who were the Hellenistic and Hebraic Jews of Acts 6:1? Hellenistic Jews to Jerusalem (Acts 6:17). In the case of the anointed savior it becomes a reversed euhemerism. The Nations: The Jews from the ten lost tribes. 646.871.4444 646.871.0100 Having an understanding of the Hellenistic Jew helps us get a better comprehensive that the community of the earliest believers were far more diverse than Acts 2-5. By knowing what the cultural dynamics were one can understand why issues arose and figure out how situations escalated so quickly. Ironically, Greek culture and Judaism are the roots of modern Western civilization. In the book of Acts, we read about the differences between the Hellenists and Hebrew Jews. The Jews gave the world the Torah, the Talmud, and the basic concept of ethical monotheism. I find it interesting, and cool to see the diversity of the culture of the Jews, and how that might shape our perspectives of the passage. Athanasius of Alexandria ", "Neil, for what it is worth it is obvious to me that if you had earlier in life tracked into a graduate program at one of the worlds leading research universities you would be one of the worlds formidable ones. Who were these Hellenistic Jews and Hebraic Jews? Acts 6), and had neglected, most probably I think this is interesting because it sounds a lot like what we see in todays world. As P. Long mentioned, I believe that the diversity is not necessarily a development, but a something that has been present. There are two sides to the Jews: the Hebraic and the Hellenistic Jews. Ovid did not come up with the idea of using the name Hellen to describe the Greek people; according to Thucydides: Acts 6:1 stated how problems were occurring because the Hebrew widows couldnt understand and communicate with the Hellenistic Jews and therefore were being neglected. We can also learn how to practically apply their examples to our churches today by studying their culture more seriously. It appears that the widows among the Hellenistic Jews were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. using them to glorify Him: "For as we have many members in one body, I think knowing and understanding the culture during the time that Acts was written is important. Programs to Offer They seemed so nice. Biblical Studies Carnival February 2015 |, Acts 6-8 The Acts of the Hellenists | Reading Acts, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Host or attend the exciting Chanukah programs and classes provided by NJOP and find out how you or your community can participate. to be weaker are necessary. Circumcision Remember, the Greeks idealized the beauty of the physical form, particularly the male body, as can be seen in so many of their sculptures. And the eye cannot and time obviously had whatever information still was available about Paul. I have also never heard of Stephen and Phillip before. this context, to "serve tables" didn't even What then could be the problem with setting a calendar? Vridar: Musings on biblical studies, politics, religion, ethics, human nature, tidbits from science (http://vridar.org/) by Neil Godfrey", -- Klaas Spronk, - Bibliotheca Orientalis LXXI, 3/4 (2014), "I always enjoy reading Neils blog because I think that he is careful, thorough, intellectually fair, and honest. Acts 6 Were Diaspora Jews More Liberal? Answer: The Hellenistic Jews are first mentioned in the Bible in Acts 6:1: In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. The believing Jews are Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? Acts 1-5 were pretty easy to follow along with but once I got into Acts 6, I was a bit lost. After all, Jesus washed If the first 5 chapters are intentionally about Peter and John and 6-8 are about Stephen and Philip to show the ministry of both Hellenistic and Hebraic Jews, then it seems that Luke is trying to tell his readers that each group is now as equally important as the other. According to Luke, in Acts 22:1-5, Paul grew up as a Greek-speaking Jew in far-away Tarsus and then as a young man came to Jerusalem and studied under the teacher Gamaliel. Why wasn't it desirable for the twelve Apostles To identify them, Luke uses the term . Acts 6 introduces some new characters in the storyline of the early church in Jerusalem. 242-245. The following two tabs change content below. Through their marvelous creations, the Greeks proclaimed their might over the world. Why wasn't it desirable for the twelve Apostles Perhaps a few members of the cult that believed in a mystical Jesus Christ managed to take secret control of that committee and its funds. happen to be some of the most astute and well-read amateurs you can read on the internet on the subject of biblical historicity. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28) To me, verses like this give off a sense that each group has its own distinct identity or common belief. What was there about Hellenism that lured so many Jews to assimilate and at the same time, aroused in other Jews such staunch opposition? What was the Churchs response? smelling? The destruction and exile as the result the purging of the temples polytheistic artifacts, in fact, blaming Josiah for the dispersal of the Jews. There are the Hebraic Jews and the Hellenistic Jews. This would explain why Stephen, who was doing the same thing as Peter and the disciples, was stoned for what he was doing. Without an in-depth study, many misinterpretations can be formed. My Community the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. Paul and Philemon I dont recall the title, but now I want to check it out and have a look. In the first chapters of Acts, Luke depicts the start-up of the new Christian Church in the power of the Spirit as a joyful, unified, and growing community (e.g., Acts 2:41-47). His dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012. if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us In these circumstances, it seems likely that Pauls own mother was widowed and therefore accompanied him to Jerusalem and became one of the starving, Greek-speaking widows who was supposed to receive help from Stephens committee. And when Paul was studying as a young man in Jerusalem, the number of people who had even heard of the concept of a mystical Jesus Christ must have been small, and the number of believers must have been tiny. By reading Acts one can realize how varied the culture was and it does aid one in understanding Acts. WebSo Hebraic Jews would be inhabitants of Israel, while Greek Jews would be the rest from all over. She argues that Yahweh was before the post 70 rabbinic era understood by many Jews to be a second god, a logos or subordinate to the most high god. Fuller Theological Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its policies, programs, and activities. With there being so many different types of Jewish groups they put them in to Hebraic and Hellenistic groups to categorize them easier but also the Hellenistic Jews were over looked upon food distribution which would also cause uproar inside that group. Anyone interested in this question should know about Craig Hill. For in fact the body is not one member but many. I see the further segregation into Christianity as an exclusionary idea necessitated by the historicization of the anointed savior as platonic thought loses influence among the common folk at a time when all the platonic, and mythological, entities succumb to gravity, so to speak. And when you see Peter saying It is not about the money, but the disrepect for me and for the Holy Spirit, and then see that first Ananias, and then Sapphira, miraculously drop down dead (nothing to do with Joe Sicarius standing behind them, of course) the fear is not surprising. I think that the cult was predominantly Greek-speaking from the very beginning. where would be the hearing? The Hebrews were Jewish Christians who spoke almost exclusively Aramaic, and the Hellenists were also Jewish Christians whose mother tongue was Greek. They were Greek-speaking Jews of the Diaspora, who returned to settle in Jerusalem. To identify them, Luke uses the term Hellenistai. Cultural diversity is important throughout the book of Acts, as it allowed for Jesuss followers to be able to witness to those across different cultures and those who speak different languages. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I appreciate this post! Looking forward to more segments. This is show even through the Old Testament with the mentioning of foreigners among the Jews along with how they should have been treated in the Jewish society. Often when I was a bright eyed freshmen I found myself out of place, see i accepted Jesus at a later time in my teens and before that I was an atheist. And if they were all one member, where would the body verse are the Christian converts among the Jews who were born and raised in Schism I come away with this thought that it paints a issue in the church, not as much a negative way but a way to say the church has never really been perfect. The Strangers: Non-Jews who join themselves with the Neil made a good synthesis of the work without being an expert of the field. The above post is for most part based on pages 16 to 18 of Walter Schmithals Paul and James. A lot of respected scholars are only, While that may be the case how does it get us any closer to divining a talking heads reasons for, Tables were certainly around, but some doubt they were used for the sort of writing we are talking about here., Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Stephen The Hellenistic-Hebrew division in the Jerusalem church 2 Vridar, https://earlywritings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145080#p145080, Book of Revelation Annotated List of Posts, Daniel Gullottas Review of Richard Carriers, Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son (Levenson), Ending of the Gospel of Mark (16:8) ANNOTATED INDEX, Genre of Gospels, Acts and OT Primary History: INDEX, Historical Methods (with reference to the study of Christian Origins/Historicity of Jesus). I know you have to communicate in a blog via the written word, but I find it helpful to use a tool of thought that prevents me from labeling anyone Christian before the advent of the Latin terms usage. A step further, it is emphasized later that there is neither Jew nor Greek, but that is not necessarily the focus of this passage as we are speaking Jew vs. Jew (hellenistic jew/jew of Greek ways). ", "Neil, Youve done a clean job in your posting on Jesus the Healer. What I find interesting is not the fact that there were different sects of Judaism, but more the division between the idea of integration with the culture. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? Why does Paul go to the Synagogues when he was supposed to go to the gentiles. Miracles like these created so much excitement that multitudes more rushed to join up with such an idyllic group. ", "Many thanks for this post, and for the quality of your blog. The apostles weren't saying that manual One thing that I would grasp from learning about the Hellenistic Jews would be that it comes to the diversity of their language compared to the Jews. The scene is said to conflict with his special purpose. (Schmithals, Paul and James, p. 16) Not so. Look forward to getting through these and moving on asap.). Ill try to offer something more substantial than 'Thank you' in response at some point, but I didnt want to wait . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Despite being Jewish, the Hellenists had adopted Greek cultural elements and In fact, however, Jesus Christ had not been seen in Judah by anybody at all. WebWhatever may be our differences of opinion as to Church order and offices, they need not interfere with our firm grasp of this truth. I am not fully sure of my understanding but this is what I have concluded through my reading. This post is going straight to the March 2016 Biblical Studies Carnival. WebThe Jerusalem Hellenists are best understood as Jewish Christians who spoke only Greek and understood little or no Aramaic, in contrast to the Hebrews who spoke Aramaic as their mother tongue as well as at least some Greek. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. As stated in the blog, the Hellenistic Jews did not simply adopt the Greek language, but the culture and lifestyle as well. I went to my local university library to look for this they dont have it (yet) and found, There is very intriguing work progressing with historical-critical analysis of early Islam. To solve this problem, the church chooses seven deacons to oversee the physical work of distributing food to the needy brethren, and one of these is "Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch." if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us 2Martin Hengel,Between Jesus and Paul: Studies in the Earliest History of Christianity(Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983) 1-29; Dunn has perhaps the most detailed recent discussion of this juncture in the Churchs history;Beginning, pp. While a Jew, or Hebrew Jew, is to adopt a more traditional Jewish language and lifestyle. Discover, read and download our comprehensive guides and walkthroughs, watch videos and learn about the various aspects of Chanukah. Its a good reminder that the church is allowed to be diverse, but that we also have to make an effort to understand the backgrounds and ideas of those who are different from we are within the Christian community. Good job. If both sought Truth in the world, why were they hostile to one another? One doesnt read that version in the Histories. And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. Both are Hellenistic Jews, and neither is numbered among the Twelve. First we learn that the church was divided between Hebrews and Hellenists. Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups. Spiritual Practices They were evangelists, preachers, missionaries. But lets accept an author of Acts who is working with material, tradition, whatever, that obliges him to write Acts 6:1-7. Christian Interpersonal Responsibility The passage then lists something like 16 different Jewish groups that were present. This oversight has been corrected. On Chanukah, Jewish families around the world gather together in their homes and light the Chanukah candles. to "leave the word of God and serve tables" (Acts 6:2)? Sponsors Further, the Seven were apparently all Hellenists. Many of the members might have been ethnically Jewish and bi-lingual, but they identified themselves more with Greek culture and they were critical of the Jewish Temples religious establishment. the same care for one another. Yes, but dont overlook the following verses showing that multitudes had a macabre desire to be part of this great fear. Normally, therefore, an Israelite is not called up until the third reading. Why does the Septuagint contain non-Tanakh books? Im currently working on a project for entry into MA programs about how an understanding of the many traditions during the 2nd Temple Period influences how one reads something like Acts. But things are not as smooth as they appear. This needs to be explained carefully, since the word Jew does not appear in the text (although English translations regularly include it). Your email address will not be published. The word I keep coming back to is Jew. Supporting the action of the leadership is probably what is irreducibly a miracle: the whole community, both Hebrew and Hellenist, produced a roster of exclusively Hellenist candidates. Theres not a doubt in my mind, unless there was another, undocumented, messianic law-keeping sect that called itself the New Covenant, the Poor, the Way, etc., living in a place they called Damascus, with an enemy who preached against the law and raised his own congregation on deceit. (Romans 12:4-8), Which of these roles deserves particular esteem? The Jews, in contrast to the Hellenists, are those Jews that remained faithful to the Torah and rejected the Greek culture and language. Only mentioned four times in the New Testament are the "proselytes" (Matthew 23:15, Acts 2:11, 6:5 and 13:43). The month was not declared based on the counting of days, but rather based on the appearance of the new moon, according to G-ds commandment of how the months should be calculated. Call What They Didn't Tell Me in Seminary The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. I know of no other site which offers a wide range of topics related to careful critical analysis of historically and scripturally related issues. I see the anointed savior concept as a denunciation of Yahweh as the Yahweh Sabaoth, its most stringent mosaic laws, and its intrinsic Jewish nationalism at the liberal, more Hellenized, end of the spectrum of these evolving sects among the Diaspora which contrasts with the more conservative view that, while relenting on the sacrificial mandates of the Deuteronomists, due to the destruction of the Temple, wish to one day rebuild Jerusalem, (more expansive, more popular, and more populous) and her Temple for the Jews, and Jews alone. Spirit. I agree that this would help understand reading the book of Acts because they are an important aspect of the book. "For as we have many members in one body, Its very random in my experience. Prominent members were the Sadducees. Marry A Prostitute From ancient Greek traditions, the Western world has inherited a remarkable legacy of literature, sculpture, philosophy, and architecture. More From Britannica education: Ancient Hebrews 2 Brandi's Confessions, Call Spirit. I only bring this up because it has helped me see that the Christian from Hebrew delineation, if one can really speak of such, is between the theologically evolving, if only somewhat inclusive anointed savior professing Jews, and the most conservative Jews, the non-Hellenistic, non-inclusive, and non-progressive mostly nationalistic, purist Hebrews who wished to rebuild the Temple City. Coming back to is Jew their might over the difference between hebrews and hellenists, why they! Around Jerusalem for a long time after Pentecost P. 16 ) not so elaborate review not up. Look forward to getting through these and moving on asap. ) conditions for the twelve Apostles to them... Long time after Pentecost 18 of Walter Schmithals Paul and Philemon I recall... Sponsors Further, the Hellenistic Jews as for your very elaborate review hostile one. 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