ace of cups and page of cups combinationace of cups and page of cups combination
Where a card lands changes the very meaning of it ever so subtly, but ever so permanently in regard to describing your situation. Answer: Perhaps to you it feels as though he is ignoring you, but to him he is planning on what to say next, making sure he gets it right for you. Any of the following five cards from the Tarots Major Arcana are powerful predictions of love with a charismatic man when they appear in a reading with the Page of Cups; but they are, ultimately, indicators of a short-term relationship. Being creative and learning a creative skill, cancelled social events/engagements/ proposals, emotional vulnerability/ immaturity/wounds. Listen to the guidance of your heart. The Eight of Cups shows a man turning his back on all his cups and walking away. It may be calling you to care for the emotionally positive relationships on your life, or perhaps cull the negative ones to make more space for the people who truly support you. The young mans interest in the fish represents the innocence and curiosity we possess as children. You may also find youre remarkably artistically inspired of late as this combo signifies creativity. From this gold chalice emanates four plumes of water, which steadily pour down into a lake populated by floral lily pads. Each card in the Minor Arcana belongs to one of four Suits, and each Suit is associated with an element. When a Tarot Reading begins, the cards are dealt into areas regarding your past, present and future. Be cautious of your financial dealings, invest and spend your money wisely as you may be prone to ups and downs at this time. Loneliness. Dont hide from facts just because they are uncomfortable. It might be a shared symbol, object, person, background, or even overall theme. Your recent past may have included falling in love so deeply that it felt like the first time and was certainly close to being the most intense time ever in your life. Ace of Cups signifies a new beginning for you, especially in romantic relationships. A walker, a glutton and a drunk.<br><br>2 Cups<br>The inner . In a love reading, Seven of Cups and the Moon combination can represent multiple love interests, lack of emotional clarity, or wishful thinking. This person cares deeply for you, to the point where they may have concocted some fantasies about being with you. In the traditional Rider-Waite deck the Page of Cups illustration depicts a young man, attired in blue, holding a cup with a fish peering over the top of it, looking as if its trying to engage the young man in conversation. Power and influence require a stable base from which to judge and the Judgment card near the Ace of Cups indicates you are making great life decisions. Play with the different combinations and see your Tarot cards come alive with this fun technique. Step back and take a good hard look at your career path and decide what, if anything, could stand to benefit. Grab the bull by its horns and be proactive. "Six of Cups combined with Ace of Swords" - A trip down memory . Are you doing what you want with your present job or simply floating, hoping that youll somehow land in the right spot someday? Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards Ace of Cups and Page of Cups together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. The classic interpretation of the devil and ace of cups would be the beginning of a relationship that you will enter for the wrong reasons (lust not love) and maybe also struggle to walk away from when you realise this. The Page of Pentacles is often indicative of taking actions steps towards . All rights reserved. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Helping others. Thanks so much, Hi, just dropping by to leave some insight. Privacy Policy. The fish, out of water and seemingly eager to communicate, can also be interpreted as a symbol of knowledge being imparted to the mans naive and trusting young soul. Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. These two cards are quite the welcome sight as they signal the presence of a certain special someone in your orbit. Even a common colour? Ive been using tarot for a few months so im still learning. You are using an out of date browser. Dont hide from your emotions, work through and heal them instead. Out of the cup a tiny fish has appeared, and it seems as if it is looking straight into the Pages eyes. This might be a sign that the end of one relationship opens up the space for a new one to blossom. If youve been waiting to hear back about a new job or promotion, having the reversed Page of Cups appear in a spread is an indication that it may not be forthcoming. All rights reserved. This kind of combination is showing you the light and shade of a situation. A fortune could be bubbling over. As you become more familiar with the techniques, youll find yourself combining techniques to get multi-layered interpretations of the cards. These two cards together unite to hip you to the reality that theres some bad juju in your midst. This represents your childhood, the foundation of who you are as well as describing the recent past. The Empress is pregnant with this new idea or thought and is about to birth it into the world. If you are in a relationship, you need to be honest with yourself when it comes to your wants and needs. GET THE BOOK The Major Arcana Overview The Minor ArcanaOverview The Face/Court CardsOverview The Page of Cups is a gentle, artistic messenger who rarely has negative news to share. (My advice? They could be the last person you'd expect to have these qualities, but pay close attention to how you feel when they're around. If each Tarot card shares a different element, combine the meanings of the elements. Alternatively, secrets may be whats weighing down the relationship. In the traditional Rider Waite imagery, you will see three young maidens dancing joyfully, cups raised. If the Tarot cards are not close in number, then it may indicate movement from one phase to another, either in terms of progress (an increase in number) or regression (a decrease in number). For starters, youre never going to form a union with this individual to begin with, and two, by continuing to hold on to the hope that you might, youre missing out on finding a meaningful relationship elsewhere. 3 of Cups from the Frideborg Tarot All you need to do is select your spread cards and you will get result of matches you got there. If both Tarot cards are from the Minor Arcana, then you know that this is about a temporary issue, situation or event. Get a forecast of your love life with Tarot cards for past, present and futur Copyright 2016-2023. The Ace of Cups is an abundant card that typically signals prosperity ahead in most tarot readings. If you dont move quickly, indecision will be its own decision youll experience great regret if you let the opportunity come and go without taking action. The Page of Cups represents a sensitive, childish and affectionate person. The Fool will give you a lover who soothes your spirit when it joins a reading that features the Page of Cups. The Nine of Cups on its own is a very positive card, symbolizing ultimate satisfaction and wishes coming true. Get your prediction of career, business and work by Tarot cards now! Have I been depressed, anxious or afraid? Ace of Cups is unique in that although it has a goodly number of meanings, they are consistent as no other card's meanings are. TheSuit of Cupsrepresents the element of Water. If both Tarot cards are numbered +/- of each other, then the cycle stage is important. Become premium user to get access to ai interpretations Get Premium Level. Are you considering a reconnection to a bygone friendship or considering rekindling a relationship with an ex? Often the card can be connected to an artist of any age. Love may be at the on its way as it leads you to somebody new and surprising. An uplifting, encouraging and overall positive card to find in a spread, it may also indicate that a great romance is waiting for you right around the corner likely with someone who is quite a few years your junior. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. Ten of Cups represent love, harmony and joy. If both cards are within the range of 1 to 3, it reflects the beginning of a cycle. Hurrah! Has someone close to you given you a look or hug that says more about how special you are than a thousand poems or a hundred greeting cards ever could? (Reversed cards a little out of reach at the moment? About us. The Ace of Cups predicts pure and innocent love. 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. Personal meanings are those that are generated from your past experiences, your subconscious mind and your intuition. Are there any unresolved feelings for someone? Dont jump into big decisions unless you have all the information. The Aces start out the suit, and embody the characteristics of the suit wholly and completely. Perhaps she's worried about giving into the temptation of falling for you? This personality is always creative, playful, usually open, honest, and friendly. You are using an out of date browser. This is a card of healthy emotional outlets. Five of Cups is an unwelcome card in any reading as it represents disappointment, regret and loss. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When any of those five pair up with the Page of Cups and one of the remaining Queen cards also appears in the reading, this is a powerful soulmate indicator. Question: Why does he say he loves me then ignores me? In this case, make sure that your goals are achievable. If youve been waiting on a job promotion to come through, finding the Page of Cups in your spread is a call for action. 2023 by Going Places. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 5. Upright Career Meaning - Ace of Cups The good news is that with the Seven of Cups, you have many opportunities ahead of you. It may also indicate a feeling of being stuck in a rut, feeling bored and/or disgruntled and may suggest a lack of energy due to non-activity. The addition of this card to the King of Cups brings a more youthful perspective when it comes to feeling (perhaps with some rose-colored glasses). I concur with Callanish; this is how I see this combo. So: How do people interpret this combination in terms of sexuality -- namely how the Ace of Cups influences the hedonistic energy of the Devil? In the Six, they are still happily playing, but now they are on their own. It may be a little of both! Clouds? Have you met a soulmate who actually understands your deepest desires and hopes? They also symbolise Summer Meaning The Ace of Cups joyfully announces the birth or stirrings of emotional, intuitive or spiritual energy. The simplest way to think about the Ace of Cups is . TheTwo of Cups+Eight of Cupsshow the development of a relationship. It is when you are stuck in what if scenarios instead of living in the moment. When the Ace of Cups is in the past position, you have a lover of great importance in your past. He stares at the cup while his left hand rests above his belt, his body language signaling some expectation. All rights reserved. They are individual cards, but their meanings are altered based on the cards around them. Have you been feeling directionless, confused or stressed? So accept the Tarots message of stability when this card appears. In a traditional tarot card deck of 78 cards, we find romance, love and intimacy sprinkled throughout many of the cards. Because of this attitude you are missing out on potentially exciting events and opportunities that would get you out of your rut. When the Page of Cups card is in the past position, it is strongest. Cups represent emotions, and so the Ace of Cups tarot card can represent a beginning of emotions, think new relationships, friendships and connections. If you are single, are there any repressed emotions or past relationship patterns that need healing? If this resonates with you, it is time to get a good look within. Although just about every card in the tarot deck can have a small spark of love or . As feelings, the Eight of Cups mainly talks about disappointment and weariness. Five of Cups and Moon combination tells you that one way to release this negative mindset is to face your problems with honesty and courage. If everything has been going smoothly with your career, just keep doing what youve been doing. Interested in receiving your own Tarot reading? If you feel that you reached a dead end in your life, face your fears and find the courage in your heart to change your direction. If this is why they're not doing something, perhaps it is because of loyalties elsewhere that come from their heart, an old promise, perhaps, depending on what *you* want them to do. This is not a harbinger of any such passing, just a metaphor for the depth of the love that is being expressed here. For some of you, the Six of Cups can represent second chances as well. And if both cards are reversed, the energy may be blocked or theres more activity happening in the inner, more private world. In a love reading, the Page of Cups reversed suggests you have become overly sensitive and needlessly insecure about your relationship. Keep your mind and heart open to new people and concepts as they are potentially life-changing. Your love interest shares their feelings. If one card is upright and the other is reversed, theres a focus on both the inner and outer worlds. The Ace of Cups represents the beginning of experiences such as love that transcends the Earth. If you are already involved in a "friends with benefits" situation with this person, I might be a little concerned about pregnancy. In a more negative scenario, Ace of Cups and the Moon can talk about a hidden relationship, secret or affair. This card represents the culmination of a sacrifice that has been rewarded with satisfaction, contentment and a deep, lasting peace. Perhaps your heart has been broken too many times in the past. A fantasy simultaneously tender and outlandish? Is love something that you pursue in order to justify a lousy current situation? If you feel any little aches or pains, dont delay visiting your doctor and having them checked out. If you cannot find the combination you are looking for, try reversing your search. Overall, Ten of Cups and the Moon can be a confusing time for relationships. The Emperor reveals a love relationship will be occurring with a man who is much older than you. The Page Cups is also about the heart, also has a childlike innocence to it, and also is making an offering (with his cup). Or, theHigh Priestess(intuition) +Eight of Pentacles(skill-building) = developing your intuitive skills. As such, given how most dealings with this card are of a positive nature, your answer is most assuredly a yes. Sun 3 of swords and 7 of swords as feelings. Major Arcana cards tell a different story to Minor Arcana cards. Are they people, personalities or situations? An emotional stability that comes with being accepted by a partner is on its way. Heavy flirting and gifts are in your future, at least until you decide on one of them. The suit of Cups is the Tarot suit that represents emotions. When the Ace of Cups combines with many cards from the suit of Pentacles, you must ask yourself if your love of material possessions is getting in the way of a love of yourself and those around you. Looking for the flow between Tarot cards is one of my all-time favourite techniques. They could be the last person youd expect to have these qualities, but pay close attention to how you feel when theyre around. Another meaning of Nine of Cups and Moon is overindulgence. This is really good insight! The Fool in a Tarot Love Reading: Meanings and Combinations. Sure, you can layer up other ways of interpreting the Court cards, but this is the easiest place to begin.). In this case, it might be a couple (Two of Cups) planning a future together (Two of Wands), based around their relationship together. The other combination I'd want to research is King/Cups clarified by Ace/Cups. Lots of emotions, but little action.<br><br>Ace of Cups flipped<br>A man is in love, but love without answer, resentment. This could be a sign of taking something that you have previously held close (the Page of Cups) and now making it more public (the Sun). The Pages begin the court cards with a pure, if sometimes naive, energy and offer insights into the characteristics of the suit at large. Ive left it until last because it is also one of the more advanced techniques that requires a little free flow on your end as the reader. With the suit of Swords combining with this card, you have an opportunity to use verbal communication to get a deeper understanding of your feelings. It may deal with practical things like the home, work, or finances. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for Tarot spreads, the card of the week, and the latest at Biddy Tarot. It may also be more introspective, asking you to take a look at how you have been feeling and start nourishing yourself in those areas. The 3 of Cups is often considered a card of friendship and celebration. When this card appears, it is wise to follow your instincts in any decision making. Regardless of the actual message, having the Page of Cups appear in a spread is a welcome sign. Paired with the Moon, these cards can talk about denial or illusion. This is the card of subconscious emotions- and it can be dreamy and romantic, or confusing and deceptive depending on what is going on beneath the surface. WhereasDevil+Tower= dire outcomes as a result of addiction. Our site has a wide many of different free online card readings, oracles and simple games that aim to give you instant insight and answer questions about your various life spheres. This is not necessarily a great position for this Ace as it questions your motivations. Or, it may be a sign that a struggling relationship is about to take a turn for the better. Empress and 3 of Cups: Baby showers, bridal parties or bachelor bachelorette parties. The mixed affirmative / maybe meaning of this combination makes for an answer that leans slightly towards a Yes answer but not strongly. The Ace of Cups, when it appears reversed in a tarot spread, indicates the need for change. It doesnt bode well for you if you are going to look at this love with tired eyes. Common meanings are those that you find in books, websites, courses, etc. In the future position, the Page of Cups is a card that predicts an igniting of desire in the near future. . I might interpret this as kids growing up or an increased level of independence, yet still a sense of playfulness. Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Water represents the emotions, so Cups is often the suit people mainly look for in their readings in connection with love and relationships, and it all starts with the Ace of Cups. TheQueen of Wands+King of Swords= a confident, self-assured woman interacting with a dominant male in a position of authority. The card can represent young children, teenagers, or young adults of either gender. This isnt to say this is a bad time to make new investments in fact, it could be a fantastic time. . The Ace of Cups symbolizes happiness and the fulfilment of new beginnings. Remember that symbols have common meanings and personal meanings. When the Page of Cups is joined by the Knight of Cups in your reading, there might be two suitors pursuing you. Once you do, you will begin to move forward at an astounding pace. That is, is it a combination of two Pages, or a Page and a King. Perhaps they just find you mysterious. The Moon is a card of secrets and deception. Keep it simple and see Court cards as personalities or characteristics of a person. The Ace of Cups shows a chalice overflowing with five streams of water. Creating Tarot card combinations with keywords and phrases is the simplest and easiest method. In the future position, the Page of Cups indicates that opportunity is about to knock on your door. TheEight of Wands(travel) +Six of Cups(childhood friendships) = travelling to meet childhood friends. You need to take a more mature approach to your health now. It may not display this or other websites correctly. While much depends on its position in your spread, the Page of Cups is usually a bearer of happy news. TheSuit of Pentaclesrepresents Earth. Any thoughts? From out of a cloud appears a hand holding a Cup balanced on its palm. He holds a golden cup from the Tarot suit of Cups in his right hand. They either scream Watch out! (think, Devil, Tower andthe bad boys of Tarot) or they ooze with positivity (think, the Sun, Star andthe good guys of Tarot). Copyright of 2023. Ace of Cups and the Moon can talk about a hidden relationship, secret or affair.Four of Cups and the Moon as someone's feelings for you suggest that they feel very confused and discontent at this time.Three of Cups and the Moon combination in a love reading can represent something interfering with the relationship. When you have found an emotional plateau, you will see the Ace of Cups in your Tarot reading. Ace of Cups and Page of Pentacles Tarot Cards Together Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards Ace of Cups and Page of Pentacles together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. I tend to read this from left to right in order to see if the number is increasing or decreasing. Press J to jump to the feed. It will radiate a high level of enthusiasm and passion as the opportunity aligns with your highest purpose. So the Page in this position indicates that you might get impatient for love, but something is about to sprout you might even be around your future lover now and not even know it. In other words, when in doubt just say yes. This Page card pairs intensely with The Hermit, which is a card that describes a love relationship between you and a somber, serious man who is looking for a monogamous relationship, while The Chariot card alongside the Page of Cups reveals a coming partnership with an athletic specimen who is desired by many women. In this case, it is time to start an honest conversation. Perhaps a castle? It may not display this or other websites correctly. This could prove to be highly detrimental to your well-being. As both card represent a youthful energy, there's a great sense of positivity and a true dreamer spirit shining through. Look at the two card numbers within the pairing to discover the numerological significance of this combination. Now what does this symbol mean to you? Privacy Policy. Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. I am not kidding. If the cards are within the range of 4-6, it is the middle of a cycle, and if they are within the range of 7-10, it is the end of a cycle. In the Ten, the children are happily dancing next to their parents. The Page of Cups is a great card to appear in any reading. You will soon see how they truly feel. Aces are considered so powerful that they cannot mix freely with other Tarot cards and therefore serve as a subtitle for your entire reading. Here are links to all Posts Tagged with specific Two Card Combinations. The Ace of Cups helps us show mercy and compassion and shower our loved ones with affection and care. This may be a sign that your angels are looking after you and offer a sign of hope and faith during a difficult time. Rote learning 3,000 meanings is NOT an option! You can also mix and match the keywords and phrases that you typically associate with each card until you find a combined meaning that truly resonates. Are you being a little more tender and emotional lately, sobbing at silly sentimental things? (The page) On the flip side, one could be looking towards the future with a childlike naivety. If they are looking away from each other, it may be a sign of tension or disengagement in the relationship. But its something ive noticed is nagging at you to push forward As far as the page of pentacles, he brings news. So this person is innocently trying to do what their heart directs them to do, as I suggested above, even if this doesn't accord with what you think they should be doing. The flowered embroidery on his attire signals that he is from a royal court. 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