Express Times. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 12, title 8. Christian Church Weekly Bulletin. Progreso Latino (in Spanish). Douglass' Monthly. The Phoenix. Austin Wochenblatt (in German). June 7, 1919-Dec.1973 (some issues missing). Mar. Microfilm / N / 502. Nov. 9, 16, 1839, June 4, 1842. Texas A&M Daily Bulletin. Detroit Liberator. June 10, 1970-Mar.15, 1976 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 427 June 9-July 23, 1967, Dec. 8, 1967: reel 4, title no.13 Jan.19, 1968-Jan.2, 1969: reel 14, title no. Camp Barkeley News (Camp Barkeley). Free You. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 36, title 8. May 20, 1968. May 11, 1983. 27, 1968-Dec. 23, 1972 (some issues missing). Southwestern American. Apr.25, May 23-Aug.1968, Nov.1969. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 4. Community Press Service. Microfilm / N / 692. Jan. 3-Dec. 20, 1851. Edcentric. Microfilm / N / 588. For more information consult the printed index to these newspapers. July 19, 1854. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 1, title 2. Eddy County Citizen. Sept.16, 1890. National Holiday Mon, January 22 Franco-German Day: Germany: Observance Mon, January 22 Ukrainian Unity Day: Ukraine: Observance Mon, January 22 . 2, 1945 (some issues missing). Southern Mercury. Green Revolution. Liberty Vindicator (Bicentennial edition). Oxford Gazette (continued by London Gazette). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 50. Louisville Defender. The Herald. African American newspaper. Military newspaper. Nov.1967-Sept.24, 1970. Apr.1, 4, 1915. HG / 1 / C7 Evans stacks. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Nov. 1917-Apr. Microfilm / N / 598. Microfilm / N / 135. Autumn 1968-Summer 1969. African American newspaper. Journal of Commerce. Nov.10, 17, 25, Dec.19, 1891-Mar.27, 1892. Brazos County Bulletin. 9, 1943-Oct. 12, 1945. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. Microfilm / N / 600. Jan.17, 1913-Dec.1, 1916, Feb.2, 1917-Dec.23, 1921. Times, and the Better Times (in English). Use this daily calendar to find classes and workshops, gallery exhibits and openings, live music, dance and theater performances, readings and discussion groups, club meetings, film screenings, community and cultural celebrations, festivals, tours, and much more. May 2, 1916. Philadelphia Reporter, Counterfeit Detector, Philadelphia Price Current, and General Advertiser. La Vos de Nuevo Mexicano (in Spanish). Spring-Winter, 1972. Apr. 1956 - Buddy Holly records "Blue Days Black Night" in Nashville 1958 - Elvis Presley receives his draft notice in Memphis, TN. Microprint 17. Rohwer Transmitter. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. 1969; reel 23, title 9. 1983-1992. Semanario el Mexica (in English and Spanish). Northern Standard. Microprint 24. Houston Daily Herald. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 6. Military newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 19. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 27, title 32; reel 30, title 18. 22, 1773-Dec. 31, 1783. May, Aug, Nov.1967. Brenham Daily Banner-Press. Microfilm / N / 983. Jan. 5, 1858-Dec. 28, 1860. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 8, title 10. Oct.1906-Sept.1907, Aug., Nov.1908, Jan.-Feb., Apr., June, Aug.-Sept.1909, June-July 1911, Nov.1912, Jan.-Feb.1913. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Cushing Library, Cavitt Papers. Dec. 10, 1853, May 20, 1857. Temple Weekly Times. Dec.1968. (1893-1894), (1896-1900), (1904), (1906-1907), (1916), (1919-1924), Sept. 19, 1928-June 1964, Sept.1965-Aug. 29, 1973, Sept. 3, 1974- . Taylor County News. Microfilm / N / 613. Spokane Natural. High Gauge. The Evening Citizen. Vigilant Reporter. 30-Apr. Title varies: Nippon Times. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 22; reel 12, title 6; reel 22, title 10. Today, is Roe vs. Wade Daywhich legalized abortion. New York World (title varies). Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Inquisition. June-Sept.1967, Apr., July 1968, Apr.1969. Youth and Nation. Nov. 1856-May 17, 1867, Jan. 21, 1870. Lincoln County Leader. May 1967, Jan.-Oct.1968, Feb., Sept.1969. June 19-Dec. 20, 1942. Ca Bala. Microfilm / N / 652. June 27, 1964-Dec.25, 1965, June 1966-Dec.1980, Jan.-Dec.1982, Sept. 8, 1984-Dec.1993, Jan.1995-Dec.1997. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 132, title 258. June 17, 1893. Microfilm / N / 422. Feraferia. African American newspaper. Aug.7, 1893. Microfilm / B / 101, item # 16910.1. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. May 17, 24, June 14, July 5, 26, Aug.9, 1887. 26, 1872 (in Bryan Eagle, Apr. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Free Spaghetti Dinner. Microfilm / N / 593. Daily Status Report. Microfilm / N / 598. Mar. Microfilm / N / 566. July 9, 16, Sept.17, 1980. Wall Street Transcript. Central Texan. Microfilm / N / 555. May 6, 13, Aug.7, 1896. 15, 1869. El Defensor (in Spanish). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 7, reel 17. Microfilm / N / 600. Film E / 185.615 / B5384 / 1994, reel 28. The Eagle. Apr. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 3 / S96. Big Us. 1877-Dec. 1912. Wed Jan 25th, 2023. Barron's. Jan. 1970-Nov. 1972. Apr. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Voz Popular (in English and Spanish). Microfilm / N / 554. 5 issues, 1968. El Diario de la Gente (in Spanish). Ski Zette: Texas Edition (Camp Swift). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 4. Deserted Times. Jan.17, 1967-Nov.20, 1970 (many issues missing). Dec. 2, 1829-Feb. 28, 1840 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 21. Real Free Press Illustrated. Brown Shoes. Microfilm / N / 720. Microfilm / N / 528. 27, 1858-Mar. Microfilm / N / 544. Taliaferro Target (Camp Bowie). Jan.-Dec.1972. Cincinnati Daily Enquirer. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 48. Hi. The Ocean People's Rag. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection. (Continues Ski Zette). Reel 37, title no. May 1968. Fusion. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 16; reel 66, title 3; reel 112, title 7. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 34. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 1. Reportaje Desal. Microfilm / N / 818.1. Pennsylvania Ledger. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 9, title 1. 18, 1764-Feb. 28, 1781. Nola Express. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 11; reel 6, title 16. (Also see entries for this paper under Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Mexico). Microfilm / N / 1020. May 15, 1911-Nov.1912. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 132, title 261. July 1969. Dec. 11, 1903-July 15, 1904. Microfilm / S / 2595, reels 112-114, title S-13. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Leviathan. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 27. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 35. Hist. So check the calendar often; you never know who will show up next! Jacksonville Banner. Texas Republican. Nov. 22, 1968-June 13, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 8; reel 32, title 1; reel 40, title 3. Daily Globe. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 1; reel 61, title 4; reel 83, title 4. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title 10; reel 16, title 6. 2, 1853-Dec. 6, 1888. Jan.14, 1906. AWOL. July 8, 1893. Microprint 20. Apr. Microfilm / N / 556.5. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 10. Microfilm / N / 696. Jan.1930-Apr.12, 1935, Jan.-Dec., 1938 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 975. June 1968-Dec. 9, 1970 (some issues missing). UPS News Service. 10, 1859. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 15. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 70, title 2; reel 91, title 1. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 23, title 8; reel 47, title 4; reel 85, title 7; reel 112, title 1. Jan.4, 1971. Oct. 8, 1917-Dec. 5, 1918 (some issues missing). Swamp Erie Pipe Dream. Also that day, a loaded .25 caliber gun was found at the San Jose home, at 890 S. Almaden Ave., of gang member Jorge Luis "Chivo" Olivera, 20. Microfilm / N / 540. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 13, title 2; reel 14. Nov. 3, 1778-Jan. 18, 1780. Oct. 20, 1969. Mexican Citizen. Microfilm / N / 530. May 14-Sept. 24, 1980. Nov.29, 1930-Aug.16, 1944. Blizzard (Camp Swift). Nov.1928-May 1944. Jan.1988-Jan.1992. Military newspaper. Continued by The Peoples Conservative, and Trades Union Gazette. Religious newspaper. Jan.27-Aug.14, 1829, Mar.30-Apr.23, May 21, June 8-Dec.31, 1830 (some issues missing). 3 issues 1968. Microfilm / N / 611. Oct. 1, 1788-Dec. 31, 1802. Microfilm / N / 1011. January 23 Holidays and Observances (Alphabetical Order) 2023 Daily Holidays that fall on January 23, include: Better Business Communication Day - January 23, 2023 (Fourth Monday in January) Community Manager Appreciation Day - January 23, 2023 (Fourth Monday in January) Measure Your Feet Day National Handwriting Day National Pie Day Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 11, reels 1-4. Microfilm / N / 575. 2K Shares In-Between. New York Tribune. Feb., May-July, Sept.-Dec. 1972. Microfilm / N / 680. Corpus (The Main Body). Files, box 16-29. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 1, title 1. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 2 / P45. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. DC / 1 / M6 Evans stacks. Omphalos. Other Scenes. The Match. 15, 1968-Dec. 25, 1972. 15, 1968. In the indictment, federal prosecutors allege that the members and associates of the Sur Santos Pride conspired with other Sureno, or "Southerner" gangs in San Jose to engage in criminal activity and avoid detection by law enforcement since at least 2009, according to U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag. May 27, 1968. Mar.-July 4, 1969. I've forgotten my password &rightarrow. The Free Aquarian. Paper Highway. Raya was shot dead some time later after he opened fire on SWAT . Microfilm / S / 2595, reel 138, title V-2. Campo Libertad Periodico (in English and Spanish). Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3484. Make Your . Microfilm / N / 427, reel 107, title 1. May 7, 1969-Sept.28, 1970. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 36, title 4. Augusta Courier. Sept.28-Dec.21, 1972. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 13; reel 11, title 3. Om. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title 15. Celtic Times. Microfilm / S / 2595, reel 57, title G-2. Newsletter (Movement for a Democratic Society). Microprint 28. Jan. 5-Nov. 30, 1945. Title varies slightly. 9, 1777-Feb. 9, 1780. 30, 1779-Dec. 12, 1839. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. African American newspaper. Modern Utopian. 1965- . June 26-Nov. 27, 1890, Jan. 8, 1891-Dec. 20, 1895. Synapse. Jan.31, 1977-Dec.12, 1988, Jan.5, 1990-Nov.15, 1991, Jan.7, 1992-Dec.30, 1993. Poston Christian Church. Publication suspended Feb.12, 1865-Nov.18, 1866. Reel 27, title 2. Aug.1944-Dec.1949. Freie Presse fuer Texas (in German). Washington Post. Times. Feb.5-Nov.15, 1969. Jan. 14, 1774-Dec. 27, 1820. Red-Land Herald. Frontier Echo. 3, June 27, Dec. 5, 1857. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 6. June 26, 1970-Aug. 18, 1972 (some issues missing). 16, Mar. Military newspaper. (Title varies, including Dallas Mercury, Southern Mercury and Texas Advance, etc.). Microfilm / N / 955. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 67, title 5. Don some spots and lets get stylish. Little Batt. Microfilm / N / 622.
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